Hello Spiritual Aspirants I met another Worker Of Miracles called Barashakushu from Necronomicon. This is my first working with the spirit from that book. He appeared like Chinese man dress like a Chinese warrior riding on a horse. Another appearance is a swimmer swimming in the river. He looks intimidating when he appeared as warrior. If you are not experienced don't try to work with him, he is difficult to handle, He has bad energy and didn't manifest fast when calling. For the terrible energy I couldn't wear trousers when sleeping or cover my legs with clothing. I feel burning sensation all over my legs, burning like in the fire. He may truly Worker Of Miracles. My man Ant'harratu is busy helping a client who is gold miner, another job appeared happen to be the same type of work. I summoned Jromoni but it couldn't go the way I am expecting it. I run to Barashakushu to take it from where Jromoni reached. Barashakushu is proving that he too is the Worker Of Mi...