Hello Spiritual Aspirants Peace Be Upon You I worked with the warrior the first time. It is true that all the fifty names are MARDUK with different face. I first worked with a spirit call BARASHAKUSHU last year June 2019 from the book call The Necronomicon and the slight difference between them are; MARDUK appeared to me as a Chinese female warrior carrying on a bright sword very good in using sword and also a good swimmer. Barashakushu appeared to me as a Chinese male warrior riding on a horse and also a good swimmer. He was very intimidating to look. A person from Facebook I don't personally know him contacted me to share his problem with me and I agree to help him magickally. According to him someone is owing him and the person owing said he won't pay because the charges were too much. I know only answer to give are to ask him to take the person owing to the court but I know some of the judges are corrupt when they see money so I decided to apply magick. I summoned M...