My heartfelt gratitude to Marquis Orias and Archangel Samael.

*My heartfelt gratitude to Marquis Orias and Archangel Samael.* I was soo much in pain and distress when 6 of my Ghanaians were arrested and jailed in a South African prison. With much ups and downs in court seems to be fruitless with no granting of bill by the judge. Yesterday I summoned Orias and pleaded for help so that today’s court appearance will be good news where my people will be freed. I then spoke to Holy Archangel Samael whom I have been working with since the last 2 months. I was soo worried and disappointed when I didn’t get any response from Orias after summoning him yesterday and I needed to be in court this morning. On the bench of the court room 👩⚖️ this morning I summoned Marquis Orias and Holy Archangel Samael through my own discovered mental invocation polished by *AntHarratu*(search him on Facebook and YouTube) Through my summoning the mighty spirits assured me that I should calm down all is well. Spiritual Aspirants, as I am typing now all the people...