Hello Spiritual Aspirants
Peace Be Upon you

I have been touring through Ghana to heal all madness with Ant'Harratu. I fully understand that He can't heal all mad people but I do hope that he can heal most of them. The good idea is to start from psychiatric hospitals but in government centers you can't go there without the government permission and also I don't have any license for that because government don't deal with spiritual matters. I have started from Western region of Ghana a small town called Wassa Abreshia and they are having only two mad people there. Today is my third day of rituals but it showing no sign of healing.
Thanks In Advance
Ant'Harratu, the maker of miracles

         >>Is Not I But Ant'harratu<<


  1. Today mark my fifth day of the ritual, Ant'Harratu told me that the current person I am working on is not a mad person, she is suffering of evil eye. Also on Saturday night before Sunday Ant'Harratu told me that he can't help the person, He showed me the sign of sex which means he can't help but I continue the rituals till today. I have multiple success with Archangel Samael when it comes about evil eye, so I have petition Samael tonight to take control. Today afternoon I asked one of my trusted student to do readings about it for me, he said it was a spirit that making her to look like mad person, the spirit want to use her as his priestess. All the same they are all telling truth. I will keep updating!!!

  2. This morning Samael said both explanation are true, the lady used to visit a lot of spiritualist for help and some spirits want to used her as a priestess and since she don't want to do so she misbehaved and they cast evil eye on her.

  3. Yesterday my trusted student told me it is okay now and Samael too told me the same thing this morning. I visited the lady and things are coming down but she is not all that normal. We have some chat and I recorded it, she is talking sense. Thank you Lord and thank you Samael. The audio are below:


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