Hello Spiritual Aspirants
Peace Be Upon You
I want to thank Nitika once again for the work he got for me but this work is not allowing me to perform magick as I used to, they are suspecting me, two co-workers has grudge with me and they told me that I called saint(working with mermaid and dead people) you know a lot of west african people's mind is being brain washed by religious organizations but for me magick (occultism) and religion are one and the same it is like a tree with many branches. I am not getting enough time to do magick. I go to work on every Friday and come back home on every Wednesday and even if there's any emergency they will call you back while you are on rest without any bonus. So I have resigned from the company because I love magick more than everything.
Some people has requested reading from me and they are not hearing from me, sorry I don't do readings nowadays because readings(divination) can sometimes lie (deceive), readings can read your emotions to answer questions especially pendulum, L-rod, palm branch, etc. The best reliable readings is ask a spirit who is well verse in divination like Gabriel, Astaroth, Amon, Raum, Vual, Balam, Gusoyn, Eshaliah, etc. Give them some time to go and study the case or ask a spirit whose office is confine to your case to help you to solve it and later ask any questions you want it will answer accurately. These are reliable divination. If you are not clairvoyance or clairaudience then use dream evocation and contact me privately on my Facebook messenger for dream or vision interpretation. If you are doing magick work and you got the dream indicate, (tell me you got the dream while you are doing magick work) because the interpretation for magick work dream is different from normal dream. Example is eating in the dream or vision ; if it is normal dream it means getting or losing money, getting job, etc. But if you're doing magick work it means NO.
Below is my Facebook messenger link.
Blessed Be,
>It Is Not I But Ant'Harratu<
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