Exposing The Armchair Magickians

Hello Spiritual Aspirants

 Peace Be Upon You

In all my 16 years of magickal practicing now I have realize that for the people to say that magickians are most poorest people and spirits are liars is not true. Let me tell you, "Magick is All About Divination" so how can the spirit be liars and how can the magickians be poor. You can be a magickian but you can't decode spirits language because God speaks behind the veil. Those people are not mature enough to decode spirits language. Also they don't try hard enough to create wealth magickally for themselves. Don't call Marduk to ask for money rather call her to tell you what to do to become financially stable. Last night I called Duke Vual for Divination work and it was about the football match coming on tonight between Santos and Palmeiras and I saw myself in a dirty room and a lady came in and asked me to move to another nice room and I tried to explain to him why I prefer my current room but she refrain me from speaking. That's the end of the conversation. Here are the codes and its meaning: Room means woman, dirty means their bad current form, lady means gentleman and refrain from speaking means loss. So because of their bad performance and playing like women, the team in question will loose. Straight win for SE Palmeiras. This is the true Divination, true messages from Duke Vual, truly if spirits are liars time will tell. Armchair Magickians stop defaming our magickal beings. We shall continue after the match played.

Thank You

Vual, The Noble Duke.

"Magick is All About Divination"


  1. Yes, where are those Armchair Magickians claiming to have true conversation with the entities? Did Duke Vual prophecy prove to be false? So you and the entities who are liars?

    Santos 0:2 SE Palmeiras


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