Denahel is Awesome

 Hello Spiritual Aspirants

Peace Be Upon You

Big thanks goes to Angel Denahel for wonderful prediction he did for a Brazilian Facebook friend of mine. On the 16th of November I received Messenger message from that Brazilian Facebook friend of mine asking me to check for him the team that will carry the trophy on the grand finale of South America Copa Libertadores (Champions League final) coming on Saturday November 27 between SE Palmeiras and Flamingo RJ at Montevideo, Uruguay and I told him that I will check for him a day before the match. On Friday night 27th November, I asked The Talkative Angel Denahel to help me to know the team that will carry the trophy on tomorrow 27th of November and he shown me a lady lacing her single footwear, she is preparing to go and sing at a stage. One footwear means, will loose part of your property but in football terms it means draw and singing means benefit and profit. So Angel Denahel was saying that SE Palmeiras will lift the cup. As usual Mr. Talkative (that is how I called this angel) came back and he shown me two known people, in the dream these two people were managing footballers and they bought fried eggs for them and I saw myself again at the bank of a tribute of stream and a river near railroad and in it are fishes. Fried eggs means the team in question can't win, railway means divine law but in football it is a caution symbol when it comes with a particular answer (signs) to a question it means opposite in meaning and fish meaning are, if the numbers are known it means woman but if the numbers are not know it means prosperity but in football terms it means the team in mind will loose. Since it came with caution symbol it means SE Palmeiras will win the trophy. He came the third time and in the dream I saw myself running after a car. Running means triumph and car means success with hard work but in football it means draw, so Mr. Talkative again saying that the trophy will go for SE Palmeiras. Denahel came for the fourth time and I saw myself visiting a local Mosque and the road was blocked so I tried to find a different road and I found it. Mosque means market but it is one of the caution signs in football, road means law and blocked road means obstacle and frustration. But because of the caution symbol it means Palmeiras will break the obstacles and triumph. Mr. Talkative came the last time and I saw myself visiting a local Church and in front of the Church is a stairs. I climb to the top and I got an impression that the top of the Church building is about to fall down and people came from the Church and climb down to the stairs and aboard their car. Church means victory over your enemies but it is also a caution symbol, climbing of stairs means success but in football it means the team in question cannot win and car means success with hard work. Since it came with a caution sign it means SE Palmeiras is favourite to carry on the day. I want to thank Angel Denahel for wonderful prediction he did on last Friday. I really appreciate all he have been doing for me and entire world. Also I want to thank Ars Aurora for bringing such powerful divination entity to light.

Blessed Be,

Denahel, The Talkative Angel.

"Magick is All About Divination"


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