Showing The Divination Power Of Spirits

 Showing The Divination Power Of Spirits

Hello Spiritual Aspirants

Peace Be Upon You

Last night I summoned King Purson to predict the future of a Facebook friend job. He said he has secured a job and the company will fly him to Bulgaria and he want to know if going there will be good for him. I asked King Purson to check for him and I saw a vampire and someone also carrying bananas on her head and I get impression that the vampire is being possessed and I try to deliver (exorcise) him with Quranic verses by reciting surah 2 : 255 and surah 112. That is the end of the conversation. Bananas symbolise goodness and prosperity, Reading Ayatul Kursi, the 255th verse of “Surah Al-Baqarah” means you will be safe from plagues, desires will be fulfilled, will be cured if ill, prestige would be enhanced and will be more intelligent and blessed with a strong memory and reciting surah Ikhlaas means repentance and no child of his will live. Early in the morning I contacted the enquirer and I told him what I have get from King Purson that nothing bad will come to you and it is a good job and the payment is good enough but you will either not get the job or do the job or you will not travel or you will not do it for long. I add words of encouragement to it when telling the enquirer but the true matter is that the job will not come on or if it will come on he will not travel. And he replied that it has been postponed. 

Thank You,

Purson, The Noble King.

"Magick is All About Divination"


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