Confirming The Truthfulness Of Spirits

 Confirming The Truthfulness Of Spirits

Hello Spiritual Aspirants

Peace Be Upon You

Demonstrating the power of spirits are still on going. After the divination of Duke Astaroth a Facebook friend asked me to check her sick mother for her. According to her, she is being admitted in the hospital, she cannot eat and she is being in hallucination. Last night I contacted President Glasya-Labolas to visit her mom and check on her the sources (causes) of her sickness and the cure and I saw myself together with Muslims prayer at mosque and one of them gave the imam of the mosque 10 Ghana Cedis (10 dollars) and the imam gave it to another member to give it to the deputy imam. The is the end of the conversation. Mosque means profit or loss (market), Performing one's required daily prayers (salaah) means fulfillment of one's promise, attainment of one's goals, or relief and comfort after distress. and Giving money away means dispelling agony, difficulties or burdens. So President Glasya-Labolas is telling me that the woman in question is alright (healed). Today I told her daughter (my Facebook friend) what I have found and she confirmed to be true.

Thank You

Glasya-Labolas, The Noble President

"Magick is All About Divination"


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