Hello Spiritual Aspirants
Peace Be Upon You

Marquis Orias rituals ended at Wednesday but it was someone work and the person's contact line was off since Wednesday because of that no update yet and yesterday I did offerings to The Big Boss Ant'harratu and today I evoke Archangel Samael to save dying marriage. It seems strange to those who know Samael as defensive and offensive spirit, let me tell you Samael is one of the spirits I classify them as all purpose spirits. He is one of my oldest friends, I started working with him when I was novice. Samael is good when it comes to love matters, I have successfully love records with him.
When I evoked him he appear as strong man with blonde hair, holding two swords in both hands. After telling him the purpose of calling he asked me to burn sandalwood incense on his seal which I did check the ritual pictures. And I also added a stick of candle to it as thanksgiving offering. Samael accepted to carryout the task, I will keep updating about this work.

Blessed Be,
Samael, the Archangel

     >Is Not I But Ant'harratu<


  1. Hello Spiritual Aspirants
    Peace Be Upon You

    Tonight is my second day of Samael evocation, unfortunately he said he cannot save the lady's marriage but I still insist that he should try to do something for her. I don't know what to say to the lady because she is being worrying and it hurting her. I don't think things will be okay because "what goes around comes around". This lady deceived me of marrying me but it didn't worry me because I was inform before she betray me. I tried to calm them with Yeliel when separation began but no avail, I used Psalms 133, 138 and 140 to reconcile them it couldn't solve it and Samael too said she should let it go.
    Maybe she is getting punishment about what she did to me but I forgave her long time. I don't want to seek other spirits help on this marriage again, I will continue talk to Samael for next two days if things would be alright.

    Blessed Be,
    Samael, the Archangel

    >Is Not I But Ant'harratu<


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