I have been pondering over how things are going, from a few weeks ago I have been receiving answers which is not reliable, one example is what happened last Saturday. The thing is when I received answers to my question and I fully understood then later next answer come to correct what I had in mind and it makes more confusing. I have an Arabic recitation that I used to induce dreams and visions and I think it is from that thing because it has happened to me before but I didn't do anything to it and it stop by itself. This time round I want to stop reciting it and see if it can solve the problems.
Last night I had dream which I had to receive something today but during my nap this afternoon another one came to remind me the changes that has happened, why all this, if things like this will happens don't reveal to me at all๐Ÿ˜ข. It makes me liar. Also sorry to all those who have not heard from me about their readings(divination). Some I have done and I don't want to tell them because I am not sure what I have been seeing is true. I have given myself three days to stop reciting that Arabic zikr(remembrance) check where the problem lie. So  Teresa and Tobi please be patient with me you will hear from me soon.
You can also bring your ideas why these things are happening. Thanks.


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