Yeah Ant'Harratu deserve to be thanks in a special way. When this man contacted me he was worried and it seems like he has lost hope after telling him how powerful Ant'Harratu is, he agreed that I should contact him on his behalf. On the third day of my contact I asked Ant'Harratu the knowledge of the work he is doing and he showed me signs (symbolisms) which it means it will hard for the man to get the goods but I didn't tell the man it actual meaning because I don't want to discourage him. The signs are; going somewhere and forgot something home, president of my country was campaigning for one of his MP, returning home for the forgotten item and met brother in law walking backwards, can't found my way home, health workers trying to admitted me in hospital but I keep explaining to them I am not sick and later I found the way home. So I asked Ant'Harratu to use the last sign which is good to help him. The date the man gave to Ant'Harratu to order the goods were changed but he still did it. Thank you Ant'Harratu for your help.
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