Crossing The Border

 Hello Spiritual Aspirants

Peace Be Upon You

Some people don't understand why we lost in our last game and they want explanation. They also think that the divination was incorrect. I want to take it upon myself to explain why. First I will explain the spirit message she gave to me and after that I will explain the other causes. I am the type of person Divine Providence always inform me anything that is coming my way the next day before daybreak. I asked the spirit the prediction between Norwich City and Southampton match and I saw a man sitting at the dinning table and a woman is serving him but the woman didn't brings water so the man become angry. Food means job, money but in football terms it means that team can't win and anger means imprisonment but its contrary meaning is fear and fear means victory. So when you see these signs together it means draw. Here is the problem, during the day I found money on the street so the first part of the message has fulfilled that is the food and it left with the win that is why I sent message again informing you people the changes that has occurred. Instead for me to gave the win to Norwich I rather gave it to Southampton and we lost the game. Other causes; those who have red my post about distributing odds, it was mean only for magickians. Some people collect it and resell it and none practitioners also come for it. After the match I was pondering over it why we lost and I saw myself at Togo border holding a staff, which means I can archive my aim but I have exceeded the limit. I have decided to teach how to do it so that only magickians can learn and get benefit of it. We have two method of doing it but I will teach only one, that one is simple and easy to do and everyone can do it. After doing it you can contact me for interpretation. 

"Magick is All About Divination"


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